
Precisely! One of the biggest lies of our age is that “science” is “neutral.” One of the things that drives me battiest is when, faced with a ridiculous study, conservatives nitpick the methodology and details rather than highlight the *fundamental* worldview flaw inherent in the study’s outlook. I’m sorry if that’s not clear, I attempt to explain it here, via ancient Sparta:


“ the practice of killing off the weak isn’t cruel – it’s science. He hands you the latest copy of the Spartan Journal of Medicine (and Battle). There’s a study in there, co-authored by the leading minds of the day, presenting a straightforward statistical analysis of the clear benefits of child killing. It’s peer-reviewed! The evidence is unmistakable. Whenever a weak child is not left out to die, that child has a significantly higher rate of depression and suicide in adolescence compared to his peers (p<0.005). As the locals explain, the greatest glory imaginable is to die in military service. To condemn a Spartan to life without the hope of battlefield honor is unfathomably cruel. Killing weak children is not an act of brutality, but of the utmost mercy. The Spartans ignore your entreaties. The weak remain slated for death; the science is settled.”

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Well said. “Nice values you got there, be a shame if someone [tried to prove them empirically]”!

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